Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Environmental Autobiography

Our class was tasked with thinking about 'place' and writing about one place memory and how that 'place' has effected our values.  I must admit, I found it difficult to choose one place to discuss.  The places that seemed to have the most effect on my values seemed to be the same places where I have tons of memories.  I eventually decided on a memory I had in my childhood home in the center of my family's small universe, the dining room.  My family gathered there for dinner, every weeknight.  I am sure each member of my family has different memories of this place and certainly has a different perspective of our shared memories.  The night the church delivered food to our door was a night I will never forget.  It was a generous thought considering my father had been unemployed for two years at that time but that was certainly not my initial reaction.  It is amazing to think that six very close people all reacted to the same event in a different way.  At that time, I didn't recognize how the residual effects of one night's event could impact our family as a whole.  I didn't realize how all of our different experiences in the same place effected us and how they brought us together. 


  1. Thanks for sharing. I think places centered around food are very important to our psyche.
